Nou de la Complexul Apicol: Apidermaliv

Hello ladies!

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RO: Am mai mentionat eu pe ici pe colo ca imi place Apidermin-ul dar folosind-ul cateva luni bune (din toamna pana in ianuarie) am ajuns la un moment dat sa renunt la el datorita texturii grase, care desi imi facea bine, ma enerva ca-mi lasa fata lucioasa si grasa. Deci am renuntat la el si am trecut la alte creme. Iar acum cand e asa cald afara, si nici nu mai am tenul asa de uscat, chiar ca nu-mi vine s-o folosesc. Asa ca atunci cand am citit la Camelia ca va aparea o noua crema, Apidermaliv, o noua varianta pentru tenul normal/mixt am fost foarte incantata de veste si am zis ca va trebui sa incerc neaparat crema.

Au trecut cateva zile, si intrand intro dimineata pe mail, ce credeti ca am gasit eu in Inbox? Pey, o scrisoare de la doamna Miruna Codeanu, manager la Complexul Apicol "Veceslav Harnaj" intrebandu-ma daca as vrea sa testez Apidermaliv-ul. Normal ca voiam deja sa-l testez, asa ca intro saptmana am primit produsele. Banuiesc ca ati mai vazut si pe la alte blogger-itze ce produse am primit dar le enumar inca o data, pentru cele care inca nu stiu: crema Apidermaliv, varianta full size, un borcan de laptisor de matca omogenizat in miere de salcam, o cutie cu laptisor de matca liofilizat, continand 10 fiole cu laptisor de matca, 10 de solvent si o pipeta pt operatiunile de rigoare :D si o scrisoare foarte frumos scrisa in care era scris cate ceva despre noua crema.

Mierea de salcam a celor de la Complexul Apicol "Veceslav Harnaj" a primit numeroase medalii de aur la Congresul Apimondia, ultima fiind chiar din anul 2009, an in care a fost premiata si mierea de tei cu medalia de bronz. Dar sa stiti ca si Apidermin-ul are la activ o medalie de aur primita in 1973. Si daca doriti sa aflati mai multe va invit sa vizitati si voi site-ul lor: Au si magazin on-line, dar pentru cele din Bucuresti, va pot zice eu un magazin unde gasiti produsele lor. Daca sunteti din zona Dorobanti, sau ajungeti in zona, de la Perla, mergand spre televiziune, la un moment dat, pe partea dreapta, pe colt cu o straduta este o farmacie Help Net, treceti straduta si vedeti o florarie. Eh, acolo este si magazin unde gasiti produsele lor. Este acolo de cand eram eu mica, tin minte ca mergeam la scoala pe jos si tot timpul treceam pe langa magazinul celor de la Complexul Apicol. Cautand pe net am descoperit ca acesta este singurul magazin pe care il au in Bucuresti. Pentru cele care nu sunteti din Bucuresti gasiti aici lista filialelor din tara:

Si inca o veste, pentru cele care vor sa testeze Apidermaliv, am vazut ca cei de la Complexul Apicol au lansat o campanie de testare pe Facebook, in urma careia se vor alege 50 de persoane care vor primi Apidermaliv si pachetul Apidermin

In final vreau sa le multumesc celor de la Complexul Apicol "Veceslav Harnaj" pentru bunatatile trimise si revin in cateva zile cu detalii despre laptisorul de matca.

EN: So after going on and on about Gerovital and Ana Aslan, the time has come for me to present to you another Romanian brand with a great history and great achievements. Except this time we won't be talking about just beauty products only, we'll be focusing on honey, bees and everything in between :)

While being under the communist regime, there weren't many beauty products that women could choose from, and of course most of them Romanian. That being said, a lot of women would choose a little face cream called Apidermin, cream created by the Romanian Beekeeping Complex. This cream has royal jelly (this term sounds awkward, hope it's the correct one, as in the substance produced by the worker bees to feed the infant larvae and the adult queens) as the active ingredient and it was highly revered by our mothers and grandmothers. But the main impediment for using this cream in our times is the fact that this cream is a very greasy one and you all know that nobody wants a shiny face. This was the reason for me giving up using this cream after using it all autumn and until January, despite the fact that I like it very much.

So when I heard that the Romanian Beekeeping Complex were going to launch a new cream, the equivalent of Apidermin but for normal/mixed skin I was very happy and eager to try the new cream, Apidermaliv and so when contacted and asked if I wanted to test the cream I immediately accepted. A week later I received the package containing the Apidermaliv cream, a jar of royal jelly homogenized in acacia honey and a box with 10 ampoules of lyophilized royal jelly, 10 ampoules of solvent and a pipette.

And now that I've told you about the cream let me tell you a little something about the ones that made it since I haven't found anything on Wikipedia. In 1957, Veceslav Harnaj (or Viaceslav Harnaj) alongside some of his friends founded the first Beekeepers Association, the first of its kind in Romania, providing a real support for all involved in beekeeping. He even organized training courses, besides encouraging the development of this agricultural branch.

1965 is the year the "Beekeeping Aggregate Baneasa" got started, turning prof. Harnaj's dreams reality. He was rewarded with many gold medals at the international congresses for his achievements in the field, and the technological advancements he made possible. The acacia honey produced by the company also received many gold medals, the latest one dates from 2009, received at the Apimondia Congress.

From 1991 the "Beekeeping Aggregate Baneasa" took on the current name Beekeeping Complex "Veceslav Harnaj" to celebrate the man who made it all possible and they produce a range of products, from honey to candles, beauty products (face and body creams, liquid soap, cleansing milks and tonics), vitamin supplements, even vinegar, utilizing every resource the bees provide.

And I will come back with a post telling you all about the properties of royal jelly and how you can take it.


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com

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