Outfit post: A day at the museum

Hello ladies!

Silk shirt: thrifted / Shorts: Lee Cooper / Stockings: random brand / 
Wedges: H&M / Rings: Avon and Accesorize

RO: Da, stiu ca iar am disparut si imi e rusine ca am lasat bloguletul de izbeliste. Dar, incepand de azi revin cu postarile, sper :P A fost o perioada aglomerata pentru mine si atunci cand nu eram ocupata, singurul lucru pe care voiam sa-l fac si includea laptopul era sa ma joc niste Fallout (geezus, nu-i asa ca cei de la Bethesda sunt niste genii de-a dreptul? Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Oblivion si inca putin, abia astept sa vina Noiembrie, pana la Skyrim...focus Iulia) :D Asa, unde ramasesem? La faptul ca am disparut din nou, dar macar am reusit sa citesc postarile voastre si sa ma tin la curent cu lucrurile pe Facebook. Iar acum trebuie sa ma apuc sa recuperez TOOOAATE postarile si poate ma apuc si de cele cateva lucruri pe care le am in minte de ceva timp dar nu am apucat sa duc mai departe ideea.

Mda, despre tinuta mea... Pey atunci cand a trecut varul meu prin Bucuresti, in drum spre Anglia (el acolo invata, de fapt mai degraba ar trebui sa spun ca el acolo locuieste acum :((() era clar ca trebuie sa-l plimb si eu prin capitala sa-i arat "locuri" si avand doar o zi la dispozitie, stiam ca trebuie sa-i arat lucruri interesante. Asa ca unde l-am dus? Pey, avand in vedere ca ingineria e in familie, am lasat deoparte Muzeul de Istorie sau MNAR si l-am dus la Muzeul Aviatiei si Muzeul Militar (desi am ajuns prea tarziu la Muzeul Militar si era inchis :((( ) Si evident ca el a fost desemnat fotograful pentru acea zi, desi nu unul foarte bun, trebuie sa-l mai invat eu, ca sa stie data viitoare :P

Stiu ca incaltarile mele nu sunt tocmai indicate atunci cand megi pe "teren accidentat" sau cand mergi mult, dar a fost una rarele, chiar foarte rarele, zile in care nu am chef sa port incaltari plate asa ca m-am descurcat eu si asa :))) Bluza e luata dintr-un second hand, e din matase si la doar 5 lei, sunt foarte mandra de achizitia mea. Imi pare rau ca nu am o poza cu pantofiorul meu dragut ce atarna de gat, il ador. Ah, si de fiecare data cand am ocazia, port lantisorul meu cu Sweetie pie ;;)

Saptamana trecuta a fost plina de avioane si aeromodele si trebuie neaparat sa va arat si sa va povestesc cum mi-am petrecut u weekend-ul. Al vostru cum a fost?

EN: Yes, MIA again, I know I know and I'm ashamed to have left zah little blog unattended for soo long. But, starting today I will be getting back to my normal postings, hopefully. It has been a busy period for me, and when I wasn't busy the only thing I wanted to do that included my laptop, was some hardcore Fallout (geezus, aren't the guys at Bethesda - amin for spelling ;;) - just pure and utter geniuses? Hello Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Oblivion and can't wait 'till it's here Skyrim...focus Iulia ) :D Now, where were we? Ah, me disappearing, yet again, but I did manage to read almost all your posts and keep up to day on Facebook. So now I have to get around to writing ALL those things I have in mind and maybe some new things

Soo, about my outfit. When my cousin came in town, on his way to England (he studies there, or maybe I should rather say that now he lives there :(((( ) I knew I had to walk him around town, show him some places  and since our time was so short (just one day) I had to keep it interesting for him. So where did I take him first? And when engineering runs in the family, forget about the National History Museum or the National Art Museum, I took him to the Aviation Museum and the Military Museum  :D (though we got to the Military Museum too late and it was closed :(() And of course he turned out to be the designated photographer, not a very good one yet, we have to work on that (memo to myself :)) )

I know my shoes are not appropriate and it was that rare occasion when I just didn't want to ware flats, but that is an almost once in lifetime event for me :))) The shirt is silk and I thrifted it, what a great find, for just 1,3 euros and I'm sorry I don't have a close-up to see my little shoe hanging from my neck, I just love it. Oh, and my Sweetie pie necklace, can't seem to stop wearing it ;;)

Last week was all about planes and model airplanes, and I can't wait to show how I spent my weekend. And how about yours?



Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com

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