Tag: 25 Questions

RO: Aaannnd...am revenit si eu...intentionam sa revim incepand de luni (asa ca sa incep bine saptamana) dar cu un program destul de incarcat, iaca am ajuns sa postez abia astazi. M-am gandit mult cu ce as putea sa revin pe blog si am zis sa nu pornesc asa de tare, incep mai "casual", asa cu o leapsa, pentru ca m-a distrat, m-am gandit ca poate va distrez si pe voi, iar incet incet intram si in chestii mai serioase :P Voi ce mai faceti, ce mai ziceti?

Stati pe-aproape, am o groaza de articole de facut si pregatit, chestii de povestit. Dar pana atunci va las cu leapsa, sper sa va distreze si pe voi asa cum m-a distrat pe mine sa raspund la intrebari :)

Daca exista persoane care nu au facut inca acest tag dar vor sa-l faca, eu vi-l ofer cu drag, eventual lasati un link ca sa stiu sa citesc si eu. Iar daca nu aveti blog si va doriti sa raspundeti la intrebari, o puteti face printr-un comment, mie imi face placere sa citesc tag-uri :D

EN: Aaaaannnd...I'm back, atlast...the plan was to start on Monday (you know, the whole new week thing) but with a busy schedule it was impossible for me to post until today. I thought long and hard about the first post and what should it be and my idea was to start more casual and gradually build it up. So a tag seemed good for my casual (yet serious) comeback. But hey, how are you, what have you been up to?

Stay close because I have lots of articles to post, thigs to tell but until then I leave you with the tag, hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed doing it :)

If you haven't done this tag yet, but wish to do so, then it'll be my pleasure to forward it to you, leave a link so I may read it too. And if you don't have a blog but wish to answer the questions, feel free to do so in a comment, I love reading tags :D

1. Do you have any pets? 
[Ai vreun animal?]

I wish  I had a little puppy (but he doesn't like dogs :(() or a little bundle of joy like the ones below :D

[Nu, as vrea un catelus (dar lui nu-i plac :((() sau o pufosenie mica si draguta ca cele de mai jos :D]

2. Name 3 objects near you.
[Numește trei lucruri care se află acum lângă tine.]

An agate slice that I got him, the sweet almonds oil (he has been using it for the dry areas on his face... * shouting victory*...and left it out again), a vanilla scented candle (I luv vanilla scented candles).

[O "felie" de agat pe care i-am luat-o, uleiul de migdale dulci (l-a tot folosit in ultimul timp pentru zonele uscate de pe fata...*shouting victory*...si pe care l-a lasat afara, din nou), o lumanare cu aroma de vanilie (iubesc lumanarile cu miros de vanilie)]

3. How's the weather at the moment?
 [Cum e vremea afară în momentul acesta?]

Perfect for layering ♥♥♥

4. Do you drive? 

Nope, it's my eyes I tell you. De lene sa ma duc la un control de ochi, inca nu am carnet.

5. What time did you get up this morning?
[La ce oră te-ai trezit azi dimineață?]

8, as usual :D

[Conform programului, la 8 :D]

6. When was the last time you took a shower?
[Când ai făcut ultima oară duș?]

Let me think about that for a moment...damn...and I need my fingers to write :)))

[Stati sa ma gandesc...uff...si degetele imi trebuie pentru a scrie...:)))]

7.  What was the last movie you saw?
[Care a fost ultimul film pe care l-ai vizionat?]

Let me see, let me see...ah...I know: Mr Popper's penguins. Nice movie, but I hardly ever watch a movie, instead of watching a bad movie I prefer to stick to my beloved  series.

[Hm, sa vedem...ah. stiu: Mr Popper's Penguins. Dragut flmul, dar in general am renuntat la filme, decat sa vad un film prost, prefer sa ma uit la un serial care-mi place]

8. The content of you last message sent
[Ce scrie în ultimul mesaj trimis?]

Really? Why would you ask that? I can't make that public on my blog! :P No, I'm just kidding, I almost never text, I prefer to call, the last message may probably be a forwarded invoice

[Pe bune? De ce ai intreba asta? Nu pot sa pun pe blog asa ceva! :P Juuust kiiiding, era ceva de genul in ziua cutare s-a emis factura cutare  in valoare de x, ati inteles voi. In general sun, mesaje raaar de tot]

9. You phone's ringtone
[Ce ton muzical ai la telefon?]

 Samiam - Come home, lovely song

And the other one, Vibrators - Baby, baby :D

10. Have you visited any foreign countries?
[Ai vizitat altă țară?]

Yes, I have, and wish to visit a lot more and the further, the better
[Da, si vreau sa vizitez cat mai multe si cat mai indepartate]

11. Do you like sushi?
[Îți place sushi?]

I'm not crazy about it, but the again, I don't even think I've tried the good stuff.

     [E ok, nu ma au prea mult in vant dupa, but then again, nici nu cred ca am mancat de unde trebuia.]

12. Where do you do your shopping? 
[De unde îți faci cumpărăturile?]

Well, that's a vague question, what kind of shopping? I don't prefer a certain store and only go there for my shopping, whatever I might buy

   [Uhm...ce fel de cumparaturi? Vaga rau intrebarea asta. Nu am anumite magazine preferate si sa ma duc sa iau doar de acolo, orice as cumpara.]

13. Do you take sleeping pills?
[Iei medicamente ca să poți să adormi?]

Nope, never did. My best sleeping pill is Star Trek: DS9. By the end of a single episode, I'm sound asleep :D

  [Nope, niciodata.Cel mai bun somnifer pentru mine este Star Trek: DS9 daca ma pun in pat si-i dau drumul, nu se termina episodul fara ca eu sa fi adormit.]

14. How many siblings do you have?
[Câți frați ai?]


15. Do you have a desktop or a laptop?
[Ai laptop sau desktop?]

   Both, dar desktop-ul e momentan in paragina.

16. How old will you be on your next birthday?
[Câți ani o să împlinești la următoarea aniversare?]

26, god, I'm old! 

17. Do you wear contacts?
 [PorÈ›ti lentile de contact?]

18. Do you dye your hair?
[Îți vopsești părul?]

Not with permanent dye, I have tinteed it a few times but I like my natural color too much.

   [Nu, l-am nuantat de mai multe ori si atat, imi place prea mult culoarea lui naturala.]

19. Tell me what are your plans for today
[Povestește-mi ceva ce plănuiești să faci astăzi.]

Well, finish and publish the tag, first of all, then finish some other drafts I have "laying around", then publishing some pics on the FB page, finish another article for the new Trender campaign, finish to watch Captain America, play some LAN Borderlands (gosh!, It's so fun to play with him, we're the perfect match, offline and online :))), he's "up close and personal" and I'm the sniper ♥) and after all that, I don't know :)

  [Pey, as  vrea sa termin leapsa intai, apoi sa ma ocup de alte articole care stau prin drafts, pun cateva poze pe pagina de FB, sa termin un articol pentru campania Cosmetic Plant (analiza ingredientelor demachiantului, daca va intereseaza, gasiti aici pentru crema anticearcan), sa termin Captain America, sa ma joc un Borderlands in retea (este atat de distractiv sa ma joc cu el, ne completam perfect, offline si online :))), el impusca de la apropiere iar eu stau cu luneta ♥) iar dupa toate astea, chiar nu stiu :)]

20. When was the last time you cried?
[Când ai plâns ultima oară?]

A week ago, and that's all.

  [Acum o saptamana, si atat voi spune.]

21. What;s you favorite pizza topping?
[Care este topping-ul preferat pe pizza?]

Mushrooms, I always get the same pizza, Margherita with mushroom topping and I love it.

  [Ciuperci, eu cand comandam pizza imi iau tot timpul acelasi lucru: Margherita cu topping de ciuperci, si mi se pare neaipomenita, mai ales cea de la PHD.]

22. Cheeseburger or hamburger?

  Cheeseburger :D

23. Have you ever spent the whole night awake?
[Ai stat vreodată toată noaptea trează?]

I did, but I don't like it, it messes up my sleeping clock, and I'm not able to get up early in the morning ;;) It's funny, a few years ago it was the opposite, I would hate waking up early in the morning, staying up at night was my favorite thing but now, waking up at 11 or 12 makes me think I've missed half of the day.

  [Am stat, am stat, dar nu-mi place sa fac asta pentru ca-mi dau programu de somn peste cap si nu ma mai trezesc dimineata cum imi place mie ;;) Acum cativa ani era exact invers: nu-mi placea deloc sa ma trezesc dimineata si stateam mereu treaza pana noaptea tarziu. Acum, daca ma trezesc pe la 11-12 am impresia ca am pierdut jumate de zi.]

24. What coclour are your eyes?
[Ce culoare au ochii tăi?]

Brown [Caprui ]

25. Can you tell the difference between Pepsi and Cola? 
[Poți să simți diferența de gust între Pepsi și Coca-Cola?]

I totally can, I have an excellent palette :)) Pepsi is sweeter first of all, the sweetners used are different, hence the different tastes...but to get back to the point, yes, I certainly can tell the difference :D

  [Totally! Simt imediat, am niste papile gustative asa sensibile :)) Pepsi-ul mi se pare in primul rand mai dulce, indulcitorii aia sunt diferiti si dau gusturi diferite...so, ca sa revenim, da, simt diferenta :D]


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com

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