NOTD: Dark emerald green from Seventeen

Hello ladies!

RO: Nu v-am mai aratat de mult un NOTD, dar astazi am zis ca a venit vremea sa va arat cea mai recenta obsesie in materie de oja: acest verde inchis superb, marca Seventeen :D Da, sunt constienta ca aceste obsesii ale mele se schimba foarte des, dar nu foarte des, din fericire :))) Dar ce sa ma fac cu atata inspratie in blogosfera?

Intr-o zi (probail fara soare) m-a lovit asa dintr-o data o dorinta aprinsa de a avea o oja intr-un verde smarald asa ca am pornit in cautarea uneia si dupa indelungi cautari a unei nuante perfecte am descoperit-o pe aceasta, este din gama Supreme si de 2 saptamani o port constant pe unghii.

Nuanta: no. 63, un verde smarald inchis
Aplicator: este cel clasic doar ca parca este ceva mai stufos decat cele de Flormar/GR (incerc sa fac maine o poza cu aplicatorul, am uitat complet, imi inghetase si creierul pe balcon :)))
Acoperire: necesita 2 straturi pentru o acoperire uniforma si pt a obtine culoarea din sticla
Rezistenta: 5 zile fara top coat
Timp de uscare: mediu as zice, chiar si pentru primul strat trebuie asteptat un pic, cu atat mai mult dupa al doilea
Alte aspecte: o sa aveti de curatat ceva la unghii pentru sa scoateti complet "verzeala", se duce si pe degete, yuk!...dar tot e frumoasa oja
Pret: difera in functie de unde o cumperi (13,5 in IDM pana la 18-19 in Obor)
Cantitate: 12 ml
Unde cumpar: unde gasiti stand de oje Seventeen, pt Bucuresti vedeti locatiile de mai sus, ar mai fi parca si in Sir, dar nu sunt sigura

Cand vremea devine urata aveti si voi tendinta mea de a purta culori inchise? :)

EN: Haven't shown you in some time my nails, but today I want to share with you my latest obsession in terms of  nail polish: this gorgeous dark shade of green from Seventeen :D Yes, I am aware that these obsessions change from week to week or so (at least they don't from day to day :))) ), there's too much inspirations around ;)

One day (one with bad weather most probably), it just hit me: the urge to go and find myself a gorgeous emerald green nail polish. So I went and seached, searched again for the perfect shade and finally stumbled upon this gorgeous color, part of the Supreme nail polish line and I've been wearing it for 2 weeks.

The color: no. 63, dark emerald green 
The aplicator: clasic, normal aplicator, though just a little bit thicker (will post a picture, tomorrow, I completely forgot, my mind literally froze on the balcony)
Coverage: uniform coverage with 2 coats
Resistance: 5 days without top coat
Drying time: medium I would say, even after the first coat you have to wait a little bit, not to mention after the second
Other notable aspects: it;s difficult to remove all the green, it spreads on your fingers, yuk!...but the color still rocks!
Price: depends on where you buy it (for Romania, 3-4 euro)
Valability: 18 months
Qunatity: 12 ml
Where to buy: wherever there's a Seventeen nail polish stand

When the weather turns bad, do you have the same tendency to wear darker nail polish?


Skincare addict ♥ Lipstick lover ♥ Nail polish hoarder
Email me: sihayasworld(at)gmail(dot)com

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  1. I am already on the dark side :)) Superba nuanta!

  2. Waw super
    PS: Ador designul blogului tau

  3. ;)) si eu vroiam sa fac un NOTD in care am folosit lacul matifiant de la flormar.

  4. Stiam eu c-o sa va placa :D

    @Gya - ce ma bucur ca-ti place, am lucrat mult la el si ma bucur tare mult cand va place si voua ce am facut

    @Alina Gav - gand la gand :D Pey ia sa-l vedem si pe al tau


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